Quotes From "The Bible In Poetry" By Teresa Schultz

(God) will always grant us wisdom when we ask. And...
(God) will always grant us wisdom when we ask. And when we seek Him and obey Him, He works all things out for our good. Teresa Schultz
God is our hope and strength. And hope never disappoints....
God is our hope and strength. And hope never disappoints. (Romans 5:5). We can place our confidence in Him without fear. Teresa Schultz
We cannot let our hurts, fears, and prejudices get in...
We cannot let our hurts, fears, and prejudices get in the way of God’s calling for our lives. Teresa Schultz
Being content to walk with God brings peace in the midst of uncertainty. It brings wisdom in the unknown. It brings contentment in any situation and grace in every circumstance. It brings mercy and forgiveness in sin and blessed assurance in condemnation. It brings freedom from captivity. Walking with God brings light and air into the pit, as God reaches down to rescue us when we fall. Teresa Schultz
We can only trust God to change hearts and lives,...
We can only trust God to change hearts and lives, and let Him use us to stand up for Him, and to love the hurting. Teresa Schultz
Jesus came to bring life more abundantly. He came to save the soulsick, to deliver those bound up in sin, to break the chains of bondage and addiction. He came to heal the hurting, and comfort and restore the used, abused, bruised, battered, and broken. He came to forgive the worst sinner and to bring life to the lifeless. He came to reconcile us with God so we can have relationship with our Father. Teresa Schultz
... we can know with confidence that God sees us. He hears us. He knows us and feels our pain. He loves us and He acts on our behalf. Teresa Schultz
(about Gideon's army) Like the pitchers that held the torches, our bodies are weak and fragile, yet they hold the fire of the Holy Spirit. That fire burns in us waiting to be released so that others can see it. The light was released when the pitchers were broken. Sometimes we need to be broken to release the light in us. Our weakness allows the light of God to be seen. Teresa Schultz
I need to accept God’s love and forgiveness, turning away from my sin and toward Him starting every day anew just as His mercies are new every morning. Teresa Schultz
God needs loving, accepting, and compassionate people–not accepting of sin, but accepting God’s forgiveness of sin for all who repent.  Teresa Schultz
When we feel used and abused, the Bible says we are loved. When we feel abandoned, the Bible says we are never alone. When we feel rejected, the Bible says we are redeemed. When we feel lost, the Bible is a lamp for our feet and a light on our path. When we feel worthless, the Bible says that we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which He prepared in advance for us to do. Teresa Schultz
Who am I to put boundaries on God’s forgiveness? If God had put boundaries on His grace and mercy to me, when would enough have been enough? Teresa Schultz
I am so thankful for God’s mercy, grace, and patience for all the times I fell into sin. I am so grateful that He never stopped chasing me no matter how far I fell. Teresa Schultz
We will not be measured by the world’s standards anymore. We will be measured by the plumb line of God’s Word. We will be people who live out our Christianity by walking faithfully in obedience to God. We will love mercy and justice. We will love others the way God loves us– unconditionally, relentlessly, and with grace. Teresa Schultz
I shouldn’t complain about God’s mercy to others while thanking Him for His mercy to me. I shouldn’t commit the sin of pride by justifying my rebellion or my running from God compared to other people’s sin. Who am I to be angry at what the angels in Heaven rejoice in? Teresa Schultz